Hi, holla, hello… I'm Beck!

Your official groupie + self belief guide reporting for duty ✌︎ 

I’m 1:part Aries firecracker, 1:part hippie reject who thinks music, cheesecake and puppy cuddles make the world go round.

I teeter between socially awkward zen master and no BS straight talker on any given day and I'm all about supporting quiet folks - you, to fall in love with your life again and (re) learn the subtle art of backing yourself, without needing to be perfect or have your shit together all the time.

My goal is to help you create a life that make your insides purr

To remind you it’s safe to colour outside the lines and do life your way, regardless of what anyone else thinks, says or does

Because you and your life don’t need to be loud, shiny or out there to be successful or feel satisfying AF [something I learnt the hard way].

My addiction to self discovery started over 20 years ago when I began a deep and life long, love affair with Yoga. Little did I know, it would set off a chain reaction that’s seen me work in the Wellbeing industry on and off ever since.

Over the years I’ve worn many hats, Yoga + Meditation teacher, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant , Reiki Practitioner and Holistic Massage Therapist, to now Coach + Mentor, each of them carrying wisdom that I weave throughout my work.

I don’t have all the answers, like you, I’m forever learning as I go, but what I do know is that life has a beautiful way of rising to meet you when you actively participate and own your status of co-creator - a lesson echoed back to me over and over again.

You’re only ever one choice away from different , to creating a life built on want instead of should - what would life look like if you let go and chose from there?



“Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own thoughts, unguarded.”

— Buddha