Work with me ✌︎

You’re ready to move forward, to trust your decisions and back yourself,

a satisfied grin plastered across your face as you hop into bed thinking

geez, I nailed that…

Even when things didn’t quite go “to plan”.

To back yourself without the pressure of having to have your shit together all the time

Feeling secure in who you are, content and happy with the path you choose - regardless of what anyone else thinks, says or does

Thing is…

Fresh out of a season of deep inner growth and change, you’re feeling lost, disconnected and unclear on how to get your enthusiasm back

You want to feel passionately alive again

To find your voice and tap back into joy,  because at the moment you’re feeling pretty negative about the future and trying to push through and do all the things you “should” be doing to thrive - isn’t working.

You’re sick to death of all the self help and 3 steps to…. stuff and everything’s feeling a boring shade of blah

You know it’s time to do things your way, but where to start?

Small shifts can create tidal waves

And one thing I know for sure is ➭ it’s no where near as hard to move from where you are now, to where you want to be as your beautiful brains telling you

That’s why when we work together it’s all about getting clear on how you want to feel and then aligning your thoughts + decisions + actions with that.

It’s time to become besties with simplicity, trust and self compassion

❛ I have a better appreciation now of how the small positive things that I do can have a real, lasting impact on my life ❜ - Remi

Backing yourself becomes easy once you [re]learn to trust yourself and let go of the desperate need to have your shit together + be perfect all the time

That’s how you wake up everyday feeling energised + ignited and become brave enough to embrace any so-called “failures”

You allow space for your messy human-ness

❛ The work I did with you really dropped me into a place of self acceptance and appreciation of all the golden nuggets that already exist  ❜ - Vicki

If you want someone to give you all the answers or whip you into action, I’m not your person

I am messy and real. I drop F-bombs and my ability to guide you towards fresh perspective is my superpower.

I will challenge you to access your blind spots and dip your toes into the warm pools of self compassion, so if you’re determined to beat yourself up into an A+ pulp of perfection - close the page now.

❛ Rebecca gently shone light to the areas in myself that were holding me back from being who I wanted to be. She helped me with my confidence, to trust my abilities and speak my truth ❜ - Cherie

By the end of our time together you’ll feel back in rhythm with your life, trust yourself + your choices and believe you’re worthy of backing even on the days where it all feels like it’s turned to shit.

❛ I made the biggest decision of my life and I was willing to jump two feet in  ❜ - Bee

Creating a life that feels good + makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning is possible and the  greatest thing is - you’ve already got everything you need to make it happen.

It all begins with one simple step   ☟

1:1 Intimate Coaching

These ➱ future focused journeys are all about you feeling passionately alive again

To back + trust yourself without needing to be perfect or have your shit together all the time.

Press play ► on the next chapter of your life and wake up everyday believing in yourself - regardless.

3 + 6 Month Series ☞ These activating sessions will reconnect you with your life and get you moving again with potent clarity, confidence and renewed energy.

Get super clear on the what and how of your next chapter and swap second guessing yourself with owning who you are + what you really want with zero apology

Because even though you’re a powerhouse who usually thrives as a self sufficient badass (yes, I’m looking at you), you’ve also done enough work to know this “stuck-ness” needs a little more oomph behind it.

Enter your offical groupie, me!

Over three (or six) liberating months, you’ll free yourself from the overthink-doubt quicksand holding you back and reconnect with what makes you feel really alive.

Spring clean is the vibe you’re packing.

You’ll break up with “should” and anchor back into your ‘want’ energy, plus become besties with any fear or discomfort that rises up as you say a big fat hell-yes! to yourself and the fresh AF life you’ve created.


  • 1 x 2hr initial session

  • 5 x Fortnightly1hr follow up sessions

  • Ongoing email, DM + Voxer support throughout series

  • Individualised Meditation tools and support provided if appropriate


  • 3 Months series $400 AUD/Mth

  • 6 Months series $300 AUD/Mth

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Client Love